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ZEN LIFE WITH AMARI:The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Well-being

Ethiopian and Eritrean ex-pats living in the UK may find integrating into a new environment challenging. One of the difficult factors is the cultural differences you would meet. Amidst the hustle and bustle of settling into a new culture, maintaining mental and emotional well-being becomes essential.

Religions and spirituality often play a vital role in maintaining mental well-being. It will provide a sense of security and comfort. In this article, we will see briefly what kind of roles religion and spirituality play in well-being.

Understanding the Significance of Religion and Spirituality

Religion and spirituality have been the cornerstones for humans through happy and sad moments. Research suggests that individuals who engage in regular spiritual practices often experience lower levels of anxiety and depression and higher levels of life satisfaction. For Ethiopian and Eritrean migrants who left their homes due to conflicts, religion, and spirituality will be pillars of strength in a challenging time.In the Habesha community, religion and spirituality are deeply integrated into the community, culture, and heritage.  Religion will help with creating a structured set of beliefs and practices. On the other hand, spirituality will offer a deep connection with a force that is greater than oneself.

Key Benefits of Religion and Spirituality:

●Emotional Support
●Community and Belonging
●Purpose and Meaning
●Resilience and Coping

Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Daily Life

To reap the benefits of emotional support and maintain mental well-being, you must integrate religion and spirituality into your life. Practicing it daily will make integrating into your life easier. The question is, how to do so?

1.Participate in Religious Services and Gatherings

The best place to connect on a religious and spiritual level is by partaking in religious services and gatherings. Here, you will meet fellow believers and it will create a sense of connection. In the habesha community, Christianity and Islam make up a large share of religion.You can connect with other Christians and Muslims through your religion and belief. There are also established places of worship where expats can gather for prayer, meditation, and communal activities.

2.Create Personal Spiritual Practices

Almost every religion advises to practice spirituality daily. Prayers, meditations, and other religious activities are helpful practices that help you connect.  Setting aside time each day for these practices can provide a sense of peace and grounding.

3.Engage in Acts of Service

Service to others is a common tenet in many religious and spiritual traditions. You should try volunteering whether in religious or non-religious manners. Volunteering will provide a sense of relief and belongingness. You will have a deep sense of connection to your environment and feel fulfilled.

Mindful tips on integrating religion and spirituality

Being a migrant will present challenges when trying to adopt religious and spiritual practices. You will encounter language barriers and culture shock. The availability of religious places can also inhibit your connection spiritually. Here are bits of advices to overcome setbacks you will face:
●Look for multicultural congregations that are made up of diverse cultural backgrounds.
●Participate in online religious forums and groups for easier integration.
●Have a personal prayer or meditation spot or place.


For Eritrean and Ethiopian expats in the UK, religion and spirituality can be powerful tools for maintaining well-being. By participating in religious services, creating personal spiritual practices, connecting with spiritual leaders, joining faith-based groups, and engaging in acts of service, expats can find comfort, community, and purpose.

Embracing these aspects of life can enhance resilience, foster a sense of belonging, and provide a deep sense of peace and fulfillment in the new environment. As you navigate your journey in the UK, let your faith and spirituality be a source of strength and support, guiding you towards a balanced and meaningful life.
Engaging with the Ethiopian community in your local church can be a fantastic way to get involved. See the Faith page of MyEthiopia to find your local church.

Below, you'll find a selection of valuable resources that can offer help and reassurance whenever you need it:

Our wellness expert, Amari, offers advice for a more fulfilling life

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